Please let us know where you would like to receive your order.

In which country would you like to receive it?

This will allow us to provide de exact price of your order based on shipping costs. You can modify it later.

Select the number of bottles you want.

Max. 18 bottles total.

For larger orders, contact us.

Alvaredos Hobbs 2018 Godello

Alvaredos Hobbs
2018 Godello

D.O. Ribeira Sacra

44.95 eur
More information
Alvaredos Hobbs 2019 Mencía

Alvaredos Hobbs
2019 Mencía

D.O. Ribeira Sacra

74.95 eur
More information

Max. 18 bottles total

Please adjust the selected quantities.
If necessary, you can place another order below.

Max. 18 bottles

You can order no more than 18 bottles
If you wish, you can place several orders.

Select at least one wine.
